21/09/22 C. Pelosi
The importance of thermal analysis for the evaluation of new samples, from a fundamental knowledge to the applications
13th European Symposium of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ESTAC13)
(Palermo, Sept. 19-22th 2022).
27/01/2021 C. Duce
Focus on calorimetry and thermal analysis to study oil paint curing
XLII National Conference on Calorimetry, Thermal Analysis and Applied Thermodynamics (Udine/online January 27th-28th 2021).
11/02/2020 C.Duce
Calorimetria e analisi termica per lo studio di proteine in manufatti artistici
Scuola di calorimetria e analisi termica. Applicazioni alla diagnosticae conservazione dei beni culturali.
Centro Conservazione e Restauro "La Venaria Reale« (TO)
26/06/2019 C. Duce
Proteins in works of art: a thermoanalytical approach
Facultad de Ciencias Universitad Zaragoza, Spain (Assegnataria del fondo per attività di “mobilità dello staff per docenza” (STA) dell’Università di Pisa nell’ambito del Programma Erasmus + a.a. 2018/2019 (Protocollo 0046254/2018))
27/06/2019 C. Duce
The coaxial microwave technology to assist chemical processes
Facultad de Ciencias Universitad Zaragoza, Spain (Assegnataria del fondo per attività di “mobilità dello staff per docenza” (STA) dell’Università di Pisa nell’ambito del Programma Erasmus + a.a. 2018/2019 (Protocollo 0046254/2018))
Ophélie Ranquet, Giulia Caroti, Rafaella Georgiou, Patrick Dietemann, Norbert Willenbacher, Celia Duce and Ilaria Bonaduce Mass spectrometry and thermoanalytical techniques to understand the transition from egg tempera to oil paint in Italian Reinassance TECHNART 2023 (International conference on analytical techniques in art and cultural heritage) Lisbon 7-12 may 2023
Celia Duce, Silvia Pizzimenti, Giulia Caroti, Luca Bernazzani, Maria Rosaria Tné, Ilaria Bonaduce Thermal analysis and calorimetry to fingerprint the oxidative behaviour of oils in paint films. XLIX National Congress of Physical Chemistry (Torino, 4-7/09/2023)
Celia Duce, Silvia Pizzimenti, Luca Bernazzani, Maria Rosaria Tinè, Ilaria Bonaduce Isothermal thermogravimetry to fingerprint the oxidative behaviour of lipids 7th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, CEEC-TAC7 (Brno, August 28th-31st, 2023)
Chiara Pelosi, Celia Duce, Josè Gonzalez Rivera, Maria Rosaria Tinè, Gianluca Ciancaleoni, Luca Bernazzani. Insights into the microwave-assisted preparation and physicochemical characterization of type-II Deep Eutectic Solvents. XLIX National Congress of Physical Chemistry (Torino, 4-7/09/2023)
Chiara Pelosi, Celia Duce, Josè Gonzalez Rivera, Maria Rosaria Tinè, Gianluca Ciancaleoni, Luca Bernazzani. “Evaluation of thermal and physicochemical properties for type-II Deep Eutectic Solvents.” 16th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (19-21 July 2023, Porto, Portugal) + Short Summer School 18/07/23
G. Caroti, A. Cipolli, S. Pizzimenti, R. Ducoli, O. Ranquet, N. Willenbacher, P. Dietemann, L. Bernazzani, C. Duce, I. Bonaduce. “A physical-chemical study on oil-protein mixtures used as paint binders”. Medicta 2023, Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis. 19-21 July 2023, Porto.
G. Caroti, O. Ranquet, S. Pizzimenti, L. Bernazzani, E. Cantisani, N. Willenbacher, C. Duce, I. Bonaduce. “Curing of ultramarine blue paints: the effect of different characteristics of the pigment”. Technart 2023, International Conference on Analytical Techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage. 7-12 May 2023, Lisbon.
Elena Pulidori, Emanuele Crisci, Maria Rosaria Tiné, Leila Birolo, Georgia Ntasi, Emilia Bramanti, Ilaria Bonaduce, Celia Duce. Characterization of unknown animal glues from artwork samples by thermal, rheological, and structural analysis. 7th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, CEEC-TAC7 (Brno, August 28th-31st, 2023). Oral presentation (Scholarship awarded for participation)
Elena Pulidori, Emanuele Crisci, Maria Rosaria Tinè, Leila Birolo, Georgia Ntasi, Emilia Bramanti, Ilaria Bonaduce, Celia Duce. Characterization of unknown animal glues from artwork samples by structural, rheological and thermal analysis. Incontro di Spettroscopia Analitica, ISA2023, (Milano, June 14th-16th, 2023). Oral presentation.
Elena Pulidori, Emanuele Crisci, Maria Rosaria Tinè, Leila Birolo, Georgia Ntasi, Emilia Bramanti, Ilaria Bonaduce, Celia Duce. Chemical-physical characterization of animal glues derived from artworks samples. 13° European Symposium for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, ESTAC 13 (Palermo, September 19th – 22nd 2023) Oral presentation (Scholarship awarded for participation).
Elena Pulidori, Simone Micalizzi, Francesca Montemurro, Carmelo De Maria, Giuseppe Vozzi, Maria Rosaria Tinè, Celia Duce, Emilia Bramanti. Infrared spectroscopy investigation of the secondary structure of gelatin contained in different gelatin/waste keratin-based biomaterials. XXIX Congresso della Divisione di Chimica Analitica - La Chimica Analitica per un futuro verde e sostenibile (Castello di Milazzo (ME), September 11th – 15th) Oral presentation (Scholarship awarded for participation) 2023
Elena Pulidori, Simone Micalizzi, Francesca Montemurro, Carmelo De Maria, Giuseppe Vozzi, Maria Rosaria Tinè, Celia Duce, Emilia Bramanti. Gelatin/waste keratin-based biomaterials: keratin green extraction, manufacturing, protein structure investigation, mechanical performance, and cell proliferation. CFF 2022 – Chemistry for the future International Conference (Pisa, June 29th – July1st) Oral presentation.
S. Pizzimenti, D. Scalarone, L. Cartechini, S. Prati, L. Toniolo, F. Izzo, C.D. Calvano, B. Campanella, M. Sileo, J. La Nasa, I. Degano, I. Bonaduce, C. Duce, V. Brunella, G. Pellis, B. Doherty, G. Sciutto , F. Ramacciotti, L. Gatti, R. Mazzeo, S. Goidanich, L. Pagnin , S. Legnaioli, M. Scavone, N. Masini, F. Modugno. “SuPerStAr - Sustainable Preservation Strategies for Street Art: a new Italian project on the safeguard and preservation of street art” 10th International MaSC meeting (Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography in Cultural Heritage), Bordeaux (France), September, 29-30 2022. Poster presentation
Elena Pulidori, Simone Micalizzi, Emilia Bramanti, Luca Bernazzani, Celia Duce, Carmelo De Maria, Francesca Montemurro, Chiara Pelosi, Aurora De Acutis, Giovanni Vozzi and Maria Rosaria Tiné. Keratin extraction from poultry feathers and production of keratin-based biomaterials to packaging and filtration membranes. NewTimes – New Trends in Materials Science and Engineering 1st International Virtual Conference (Online, June 14th-18th) Oral presentation.
Elena Pulidori, Simone Micalizzi, Emilia Bramanti, Luca Bernazzani, Celia Duce, Carmelo De Maria, Francesca Montemurro, Chiara Pelosi, Aurora De Acutis, Giovanni Vozzi and Maria Rosaria Tiné. Keratin extraction from poultry feathers and production of keratin-based biomaterials. School of Physical Chemistry 2021 – Supramolecular interactions in Biological Systems (Online, June 15th-24 th) Oral presentation.
Chiara Pelosi, Frederik Wurm, Celia Duce, Maria Rosaria Tinè, Stability of protein-polymer conjugates in solution”,XXVII congresso nazionale SCI (14-23/09/2021, online)
Simone Micalizzi, Elena Pulidori, Emilia Bramanti, Luca Bernazzani, Celia Duce, Carmelo De Maria, Francesca Montemurro, Chiara Pelosi, Aurora De Acutis, Maria Rosaria Tine’, Giovanni Vozzi, One-pot process: microwave-assisted keratin extraction and direct electrospinning to obtain keratin-based bioplastic , Virtual Advanced Functional Polymers for Medicine (AFPM), Pisa, 13-16 July 2021.
Elena Pulidori, Celia Duce, Luca Bernazzani, Emilia Bramanti, Aurora De Acutis, Simone Micalizzi, Francesca Montemurro, Carmelo De Maria, Giovanni Vozzi, Maria Rosaria Tiné"Eco-friendly method for keratin extraction from poultry feathers and manufacturing of keratin-based bioplastic in one-pot process" XLII National Conference on Calorimetry, Thermal Analysis and Applied Thermodynamics (Udine/online January 27th-28th 2021). Book of abstract ISBN 9788836230396
E. Pulidori, S. Micalizzi, E. Bramanti, L. Bernazzani, C. Duce, C. De Maria, F. Montemurro, C. Pelosi, A. De Acutis, T. Lomonaco, G. Vozzi and M. R. Tiné "Keratin extraction from poultry feathers and production of keratin-based biomaterials to packaging and filtration membranes" Oral presentation in NewTimes – New Trends in Materials Science and Engineering 1st International Virtual Conference (online 14-18 June 2021).
E. Pulidori, S. Micalizzi, E. Bramanti, L. Bernazzani, C. Duce, C. De Maria,F. Montemurro, C. Pelosi, A. De Acutis,, G. Vozzi and M. R. Tiné "Keratin extraction from poultry feathers and production of keratin-based biomaterials to packaging and filtration membranes" Oral presentation in School of Physical Chemistry 2021 - online 15, 17, 22, 24 June 2021
E. Pulidori, S. Micalizzi, E. Bramanti, L. Bernazzani, C. Duce, C. De Maria, F. Montemurro, C. Pelosi, A. De Acutis, G. Vozzi and M. R. Tiné "Eco-friendly keratin extraction from poultry feathers and production of keratin-based biomaterials" Flash presentation and poster in Chemistry for the Future (CFF 2021 - DCCI, online 30 June, 1 and 2 July 2021)
Chiara Pelosi, Frederik Wurm, Celia Duce, Maria Rosaria Tinè “Thermal and biophysical stability of protein-polymer conjugates in solution”, Chemistry for the future 2021 (30/06-2/07/2021, Pisa, online).
Chiara Pelosi, Frederik Wurm, Celia Duce, Maria Rosaria Tinè. “Physico-chemical stability of protein-polymer conjugates in solution School of Physical Chemistry 2021” (15-24/06/2021, Naples, online)
Chiara Pelosi, Francesca Saitta, Caterina Zerino, Giovanni Canil, Tarita Biver, Alessandro Pratesi, Celia Duce, Dimitrios Fessas, Chiara Gabbiani, Maria Rosaria Tiné. “Interactions between anticancer Pt(II) complexes and model proteins: a thermodynamic evaluation” PhD Day CIRCC 2021 (29-30 April 2021, Venice/online).
Chiara Pelosi, Celia Duce, Frederik Wurm, Maria Rosaria Tinè “Thermal stability of novel protein-polymer conjugates in solution” XLII National Conference on Calorimetry, Thermal Analysis and Applied Thermodynamics (Udine/online January 27th-28th 2021).
Chiara Pelosi, Elpidio Tombari, Daniela Russo, Frederik Wurm, Celia Duce, Maria Rosaria Tinè. “Dynamical evaluation of novel biodegradable protein-polymer conjugates in the solid state” XLII National Conference on Calorimetry, Thermal Analysis and Applied Thermodynamics (Udine/online January 27th-28th 2021)
Elena Pulidori, Anna Lluveras Tenorio, Gabriele Lanzafame, Rita Carosi, Chiara Pelosi , Stefano Pagnotta, Marco Lezzerini, Germana Barone, Paolo Mazzoleni, Maria Rosaria Tiné Geopolymers for Cultural Heritage: thermal characterization and morphometry by means of TGA, TGA FTIR and micro CTXLII National Conference on Calorimetry, Thermal Analysis and Applied Thermodynamics (Udine/online January 27th-28th 2021)
S. Pizzimenti, C. Duce, L. Bernazzani, M. R.Tinè, I. Bonaduce. A new approach to elucidate the role of metal-based driers on the oxygen uptake kinetic of industrial oil paints. XLII National Conference on Calorimetry, Thermal Analysis and Applied Thermodynamics, Udine, online, January 27 - 28 2021.
S.Pizzimenti, C. Duce, L. Bernazzani, M. R.Tinè, M.Hintz, I. Bonaduce, Effect of primary and auxiliary driers on the curing process of oil paints. Consorzio Interuniversitario reattività chimica e catalisi (CIRCC), XVII PhD-Chem Day, Venezia, online, April 29 2021.
S.Pizzimenti, C.Duce, C., L. Bernazzani, M. R.Tinè, M.Hintz, I. Bonaduce,L. Bernazzani, M. R.Tinè, I. Bonaduce. Oil paints: the competition between cross-linking and oxidative degradation phenomena, School of Physical Chemistry 2021 Supramolecular Interactions in Biological Systems, Società Chimica Italiana, Divisione di Chimica Fisica, Napoli, Online, June 15-24 2021.
S.Pizzimenti, G.Caroti, C., L. Bernazzani, M. R.Tinè, M.Hintz, I. Bonaduce,L. Bernazzani, M. R.Tinè, C. Duce, I. Bonaduce, The curing process of historical and contemporary oil paints, Chemistry for the Future 2021, Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, University of Pisa, Pisa, Online, June 30 – July 2 2021
S.Pizzimenti, A. Spepi, C. Duce, G. Vozzi, C. De Maria, M. P. Colombini, M.R. Tinè. La selezione dei materiali impiegati per l’impermeabilizzazione di “Tuttomondo”. Uno studio su hydrophase® e disboxan 450®. Scuola di calorimetria e analisi termica. Applicazioni alla diagnostica e conservazione dei beni culturali. Centro Restauro Venaria Reale. 11-13 febbraio 2020.
S. Pizzimenti, C. Duce, M.R. Tinè, I. Bonaduce. A physico-chemical investigation on the curing of lead white oil paints. Workshop on Chemistry of Lead in Oil Paintings. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. 20-21 febbraio 2020
C. Ferrari, J. González-Rivera, C. Duce, M.R. Tinè, Coaxial Microwave Assisted Hydro-Distillation of Essential Oils, FSciT, November 12-13, 2019, València, Spain.
J Gonzalez-Rivera, E. Tanzini, C. Ferrari, M. Onor, C. Duce, I. Longo, M. R. Tinè, E. Bramanti, Valorisation of clove bud extracts obtained by coaxial microwave assisted hydrodistillation, Innovative Researches in Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences (IRPES 2019), Pisa, 27 november, 2019.
J. Gonzalez-Rivera, C. Ferrari, I. Longo, C. Duce, M. R. Tiné, Microwave assisted synthesis of nanoparticles: from magnetic to fluorescent materials, XXXVII CONVEGNO INTERREGIONALE TUMA 2019, Ancona, 19-20 september, 2019
A. Mero, J. González Rivera, E. Husanu, C. Ferrari, C. Duce, M. R. Tinè, C. S. Pomelli, L. Guazzelli, Thermoanalytical characterization and Microwave heating response of deep eutectic solvents, 5th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC5) and 14th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (Medicta2019), Roma, 27-30 august, 2019.
S.Pizzimenti, C. Duce, M.R. Tine', K.J. van den Berg, I. Bonaduce, "Modern oil paint: as recent as fragile!" 1st Short Summer School on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis. Università la Sapienza, Roma 27 agosto 2019.
S.Pizzimenti, C.Duce, I.Bonaduce, M.R. Tinè. "Calorimetric and thermoanalytical techniques in the cultural heritage field". Le scienze e I beni culturali: innovazione e multidisciplinarietà. Workshop, Università di Milano, 26 febbraio 2019
S. Pizzimenti, C. Duce, M. R. Tine', I. Bonaduce, F. Saitta, M. Signorelli, D. Fessas, The DSC monitoring of oil melting to follow the oil curing. 5th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry and 14th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (CEEC-TAC5 & MEDICTA2019). Roma, 27-30 agosto 2019.
J. González Rivera, R. Iglio, G. Barillaro, C. Ferrari, C. Duce, M. R. TINÈ, Thermal behavior of 3D porous PDMS foam materials and their use for in-situ clove essential oil encapsulation during the MW-assisted hydrodistillation, XL National Congress on Calorimetry Thermal Analysis and applied Thermodynamics AICAT 2018, Pisa, 17-19 december, 2018.
J. González Rivera, C. Duce, I. Longo, M. R. Tinè, C. Ferrari, The versatility of a coaxial antenna for the in-situ microwave irradition during the chemical processing of biosources, XXXVI CONVEGNO INTERREGIONALE TUMA 2018, Pisa, 4-5 October, 2018. (Best Poster award)
S.Pizzimenti, C. Duce, M.R. Tinè, M.P. Colombini, I. Bonaduce. "A thermoanalytical study on the oils present into modern paint tubes". AICAT 2018. XL National Congress on Calorimetry Thermal Analysis and Applied Thermodynamics. Pisa, 17-19 dicembre 2018
S.Pizzimenti, A. Spepi, C. Duce, G. Vozzi, C. De Maria, M. P. Colombini, M.R. Tinè. "La selezione dei materiali impiegati per l'impermeabilizzazione di Tuttomondo. Uno studio su Hydrophase® e Disboxan 450®". Effetto tempo. Riflessioni e studi applicati al mutamento dei materiali e conseguenze sul restauro. Complesso di San Micheletto. Lucca, 6-7 dicembre 2018
S.Pizzimenti, C.Duce, M.R. Tinè, M.P. Colombini, K.J. van den Berg, I. Bonaduce."The effects of pigments and additives on the curing of oil paints. A calorimetric and thermoanalytical approach integrated with mass spectrometric techniques". XVII Congresso Nazionale Chimica dell'Ambiente e dei Beni Culturali (SCI). Genova, 24-27 giugno 2018
S.Pizzimenti, M.R.Tinè, C. Duce, I. Bonaduce. "A thermoanalytical study of the curing process of linseed oil influenced by lead white and ultramarine blue pigments". ESTAC12, Brasov (Romania), 27-30 agosto 2018 – vincitore del premio per il miglior poster.
S.Pizzimenti, C. Duce, M.R. Tinè, I. Bonaduce. "A study on the curing process of oil paint models". Chemistry For the Future 2018. Università di Pisa, 4-6 luglio 2018